Track Layouts

Grand Prix Kartway's Formula 1 style indoor road course was designed to provide elements that will challenge a racer's entire skill set, with hairpins, chicanes, short, medium, and long turns, and two straightaways, with panoramic views, grass infields, lamp posts, fountains, street signs, and so much more. The shot-blasted concrete gives excellent grip, improved cornering, and maximum performance for the Italian built OTL go-karts. The 10-minute sessions exhaust you both mentally and physically, but you exit your kart absolutely exhilarated.
GPK Track Layout

1. A true Racer's favourite, the famous GPK longest indoor high speed straightaway in Ontario (600 ft). The sling shot of the Catapult pushes racing skills to their upper limits as it feeds into the straightaway and the Start/Finish line, along the 80 foot glass wall of the picturesque wood and leather Speed Zone VIP Lounge. The screaming engine through this thrilling section brings racers to the red zone of exhilaration.

2. The back straightaway features a drive under the trusses of a bridge that runs along the breathtaking 130 foot life-like mural of the Toronto skyline and waterfront. Authentic looking expressway signs fly past overhead as karts rocket through towards the curve in front of the 75 foot Grandstand.

3. Racers must resist a peak at the thousands of cheering fans in the Grandstand. The high speed exiting curve of this section builds your momentum for the most exciting part of the track requiring you to jump on the brakes and feel the slam of negative G-force preparing for the chicane..

4. The F-1 Style chicane challenges a racer's ability to brake and manage their drift through the hairpin, because an error here will cost plenty of time on the lap, and maybe even provide a kiss of the barrier. Alert drivers easily pick up positions from both the over-eager and the timid early in each lap, particularly in front of the onlookers behind the chain-link fence of the Entertainment Zone.

5. The scenic Rotunda envelopes a 20 foot pond, fountain, and banana tree, as your quick tempo brings you through this almost 360 degree dizzying turn to toss you into a series of chicanes, that features an elevated and spinning race car driven by many famous Canadians in their early years of racing.

6. As you exit the final chicane you approach top speeds on the fastest sweeping turn on the road course, the Catapult, which provides the highest G-Force of indoor karting in Canada, all before the many spectators enjoying the view from the open-air track-side Pit Zone Café. The lit lamp posts around the curve add a strobe-like effect to challenge a driver's concentration.