Event Planning Guide |
This guide has been designed to assist Event Organizers in their
preparations for a successful event at GPK.
The following topics are briefly discussed:
• Date selection
• Number of Drivers
• Budget
• Race Course & Race Go-Karts
• Food & beverage selection
• Race format & scoring
• Start times
• Contests |
• Race awards & prizes
• Door prizes & auctions
• Registration & safety
• Other activities & services
• Race itinerary & tickets
• Race rules
• Event ticket sales
• Help & Advise |
Date Selection
The Event date should reflect the availability of your Guests and your budget for the event. Your date
should consider work commitments, work shifts, and vacation periods. Typically, Events held for employees,
clients, suppliers, and business associates are better attended when held on a business day.
Another factor to be considered is cost. Race fees on weekends are more expensive. In order to arrange
for the date you want, it is strongly recommended that you call weeks in advance, and even
months in advance for larger events of 70+ guests.
Number of Guests (Drivers)
An estimate of the number of Guests should be based on reasonable expectations. Over-estimates
caused by an organizer’s enthusiasm can lead to isappointment both financially and emotionally. A
last minute reduction in your guests may result in a variety of problems:
• Fewer Drivers to share fixed costs of the event may leave you short of funds
• A financial penalty may be incurred if you fall below the number you guaranteed to the event for
Racing and/or meals
If your expected number of guests changes at any time, you should report it immediately to GPK in order
to reduce any potential financial penalties. As well, under-estimates should be reported in order to
ensure that enough Race times will be available for your extra Drivers.
A well-planned budget will include:
Fixed Costs
• Exclusive track time contract
• Prizes/awards (event, door & contests)
• Racing clinics (if selected)
• Equipment rentals (seminars)
• Volunteers’ meals
• Printing of tickets/invitations |
Variable Costs
• Guest meals
• Guest beverage tickets (if selected)
• Event t-shirts or gifts (if selected) |
The ROC Timing/Scoring System is based on Driver selection and
position. Each Driver will score their lap times and each will receive
a print out after their race session, which is then used to show their
overall fastest lap, best average lap and over all final position.
Please note that it is important that all drivers know in advance
of the race which format they will be racing. The ROC timing/
scoring system is used in all races to ensure that there are no
controversies during or after the race. |
Race Course
The ¼ mile Course is a treat for the experienced driver and forgiving for the novice driver. With 15
Turns, super straight-a-way, hairpins and a chicane, It is designed to be a fun and challenging, as you
race around a 20 ft fountain, racing and under a 60 ft bridge along the Toronto waterfront, GPK is
sure to excite all who challenge it.
Race Go-Karts
The state-of-the-art electric go-karts are not only thrilling to drive, but also free of noxious fumes and
environmentally friendly, for a more enjoyable guest experience. The track accommodates 12 go-karts
per race session, and our fleet of 24 adult race karts ensures maximum use of your allotted time.
Adult race kart drivers must be a minimum of 16 years of age, and a minimum of 52” (130 cm) in
height. A limited fleet of Junior race karts are available for drivers as young as 10, with a minimum
height of 48” (120 cm).
Food & Beverage Selection
The best way to start and finish an event is with a meal. A breakfast, Gourmet lunch, to a sit down dinners
helps ensure that all your guest arrive early and have an opportunity to meet and mingle. A meal
and a beverage will go a long way in putting everyone in the racing spirit. After a fun day out on the
course, the best way to maximize the benefits of your event is to follow it up with a meal. Grand Prix
Kartways offers a variety of settings for banquets and lighter food fare. A large selection of breakfast,
lunch, and dinner items are available in our packages. However, we can also tailor our menu to suit
your budgetary constraints, or expand them to an impressive culinary experience.
Alcohol Note
Grand Prix Kartways features a licensed Lounge and meeting Rooms to service all your needs. Guests
are not permitted to bring any alcoholic beverages onto GPK property, this includes as gifts or prizes.
Any such gifts or prizes must be done by way of Gift certificate. Any and all illegal beverages will be confiscated.
Drivers who are intoxicated are not permitted to race. GPK reserves the right to remove unruly
and/or uncooperative guests.
Grand prix Kartways may at its discretion test any driver that appears to be intoxicated and prohibit
them from racing, however this right to test does not absolve the event holder’s ultimate responsibility
for the behaviour and safety of its guests while at GPK, before, during and after the event.
Race format & Scoring
Your event organizer has pre-selected the type of race format you will participate in, and they will inform
you before the race of the format and rules. They may use one of the following examples, or create
a more unique competition:
Daytona Race
Each driver races in a series of
10-minute heat races against
other competitors to race the
best average lap time. After a
specified number of heat races
the driver with the best overall
lap time is the winner. Awards
are given to first, second, and
third place finishes. |
Grand Prix Race
Each driver races in a series of
practice and/or heats. Once
completed, the drivers are
ranked based on their best lap
result, and then grouped into
different classes of competitive
level. A final championship race
is held for every class, with winners
declared in each. |
Le Mans Enduro Race
Guests are divided into a maximum
of 12 teams, with one
driver per team racing at a
time. The length of the race can
be determined by the event coordinator,
but usually runs for
60 minutes. Once the race has
started teams are required to
change their driver every 5 to
10 laps (depending on team
size), so all team members
have an opportunity to drive.
The object of the race is to
complete as many laps as possible
in the allotted time. The
team with the most laps is the
winner. Awards are given to
the first, second, and third
place teams. |
The ROC Timing/Scoring System is based on Driver selection and
position. Each Driver will score their lap times and each will receive
a print out after their race session, which is then used to show their
overall fastest lap, best average lap and over all final position.
Please note that it is important that all drivers know in advance
of the race which format they will be racing. The ROC timing/
scoring system is used in all races to ensure that there are no
controversies during or after the race. |
One week prior to the event, you should prepare a list of drivers or teams. In setting up your guest
list/groups some factors to consider are:
• Skill of driver (have they driven a go – kart before)
• Compatibility of their personalities
• Possible business considerations
Small contests, held during the event, help to create a fun event. The following are popular contests:
• Best average Lap: Through out your event, the scoring system will show the driver that raced
the best average lap time.
• Most Sportsman/Sportswoman: Is the driver who races hard, yet shows the best race etiquette.
• Back Of The Pack: In all racing someone has to be last, and it is nice that they be awarded for
their effort (a box of chocolate Turtles) is a great award.
• Best Virtual Racer: To add even more fun, your guests can be challenged with a slot car racing
competition and/or tested on one of our enthralling racing video games.
Race Awards & Prizes
Prizes are usually awarded for 1st 2nd, 3rd position (Daytona or Grand Prix Race), or most laps by a team
(Lemans race). Each driver would receive an award (remember in team racing awards are for each
driver). As well you can award for good sportsmanship to the worst driver. The Retail shop can assist
you in acquiring prizes. Any customized prizes or awards must be ordered several weeks in advance.
Door Prizes & Auctions
Many race events have door prizes as a way of including more of the participants in the chance of winning
something. Some events include a small auction after or during dinner to help fund raise.
Registration & Safety
When you arrive at GPK, our courteous staff will register your guests in a timely fashion, please be
sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before your booked time. All drivers will be required to sign a liability
waiver, and parent/guardian must sign on behalf of anyone under 18 years of age. Everyone in your
event will receive a balaclava, to keep and wear while racing. Helmets (and race suits may be included
in some packages) will be supplied for your event, and are available for purchase through our retail
shop. A drivers safety & race rules meeting will be given to your group, to ensure everyone will have a
safe and fun time. DO NOT PERMIT ANYONE TO RACE if they have a heart condition, back or neck
ailment, currently injury, or is pregnant.
Please note that drivers that are recognized to present a danger to themselves and/or others will be
black flagged, requiring them to stop racing in order to receive further instruction, or in the extreme,
prohibition from continuing. Go-Kart racing is a non-contact sport. We do not tolerate any bumping or
blocking. The event organizer’s understanding and support in these situation is a necessity.
Other Activities & Services
Grand Prix Kartways has deli-style restaurant, Sports Bar & VIP Lounge, Retail Shop, in and a 4000 sq.
ft arcade with slot car track, foozeball and billiard tables, and a large variety of video games, helping to
fill your race day with more activities. These facilities are open to the non-racers in your organization,
making them a part of this special day. Advanced notice should be given to the sales department if you
require any of these facilities, to ensure that they are properly prepared and booked for your arrival.
GPK provides internet kiosks and a free WiFi service for our customers. For your convenience we accept
Cash, Bank Debit Cards, Visa, Master Card, and American Express. No personal cheques please.
An ATM machine is located on site in our registration area.
Racer’s Itinerary
Preparing and circulating an itinerary for the day, prior to the event, will assist you in keeping everyone
organized. A typical itinerary would include:
• Map to facility
• Recommended time of arrival
• Time of pre-race meting, seminar, or presentation (if scheduled)
• Time of meals
• Time to be ready for qualifying races
• Time of feature race(s)
• Time of post-race contests (if any)
• Time of post-race banquet & awards presentation
Racer’s Rules
A Drivers Race Guide has been prepared for your convenience. It includes all rules in regards to racing
at Grand Prix Kartways. You may wish to prepare a customized package which will include your itinerary,
and any contests you have planned for the day. It is important that all drivers receive their rules
package in advance in order to avoid potentially embarrassing situations regarding your event.
Event Ticket Sales
It is strongly recommended, if you are selling participation tickets for your event, that you collect the
funds in advance. The only true confirmation is full payment. Past experience shows that a high percentage
of guests who have not paid in advance may often not show up. This causes needless headaches,
re-working of race teams/times, and possible financial penalties for numbers below the guaranteed
amount. As well, you will require funds in advance to pay deposits, purchase awards and merchandise,
and remit the balance of the full payment seven days prior to your event.
Help & Advice
If you should require any further assistance or simply need clarification on something you may not understand,
please feel free to give us a call. Our experienced staff will be more than happy to help you.
Located at Downsview Park
75 Carl Hall Road, Bay 3, Unit 9
Toronto, ON, M3K 2B9 ~ 416.638.KART (5278); fax 416.638.7594
From Hwy 401:
North on Allen Expressway to Sheppard Ave. West. Turn left (west) and
proceed four lights to John Drury Drive, turning left once more. Turn
left on Carl Hall Road and follow to 75 Carl Hall Rd, just past railway.
We are located in the second building of the industrial complex.
From Keele Street:
Turn east on Sheppard Ave. West and proceed to next lights. Turn
right (south) on John Drury Drive and take this to Carl Hall Road, at
which point you will turn left and follow to our entrance. We are located
in the second building of the 75 Carl Hall Road industrial complex. |
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